Installation and Requirements

Compiled Version

The easiest way to install the Jaide GUI is to download the compiled version for your OS (Mac or Windows) and simply run the application. There are no other requirements necessary when using this method, as everything is packaged in with our executable.


You can also install jaidegui through pip

> pip install jaidegui

After installing through pip, you have access to the jaidegui command in any terminal to start the application.

> jaidegui

Python Requirements:

If installing through pip, you must have both pip and python installed prior to getting jaidegui. The Jaide GUI is unfortunately only available on Python version 2.7, due to a required package being Python 2.7 only compatible.

Pip should handle retrieving any necessary requirements, but we list them here for verbosity. The versions of these packages below are the ones that we've tested with.

PMW >=1.3.3 -
JAIDE >=2.0.0 -